Susan Lofton
John Folsom
Lisa Tuttle
Donald Locke
Judy Parady
Mario Petrirena
Kathryn Kolb
Amber McDermont
Ab The Flagman
Deanna Sirlin
Louis DelSarte
Lisa Tuttle
Kevin Cole
Deanna Sirlin
Courtney Patterson
and John Coulter
Mira Hirsch and Courtney Patterson
Manuel Llaneras
Amanda Bearse
Lisa Alembik
Philip Carpenter
Nell Ruby
Allison Renz
Thomas Tullis
Sarah Emerson
Ellis Vener
Caroline Bullock
Gloria Maloof
Benita Carr
Naomi Lavander
Chip Simone
this links to a special page with portraits of some of Donald's family and friends when they gathered in his Atlanta studio in January of 2013, to remember him.
Karen Phillips
Michael David Murphy
William Peace
Katherine Taylor